What is Morganics
Morganics is a New Zealand owned and operated Company. Our fertiliser is a combination of chicken manure, processed fish, kelp, finely crushed rock-dusts along with additional beneficial minerals and plant matter. Ecofriendly certified Phosphate, Potassium, Boron and Sulphur are added to the mixture to create an outstanding organic input fertiliser that can encourage:
Strong root systems.
Increased nutrient movement through the plants.
Disease resistance.
Enhanced flower, fruit and seed formation.
Better taste and shelf life of fruit and vegetables.
Thick healthy grass.
Healthy plants.
Morganics Fertiliser is good for the soil, it adds value and nutrients to the ground that increases fertility and facilitates healthy eco systems.
Morganics sources some elements from waste that would usually be disposed of, we are eco friendly and proud of it.
Feel free to contact us directly for more information.